Monday, October 27, 2008

15: Live, From Albion!

It's our Halloween special! Well I think we mentioned Halloween once or twice, but we do spend an inordinate amount of time on the subject of Fable 2, as well as solid packaging, the return of E3, digital zombie infections, why on earth does broadband suck so hard, and the distant fate of retail. Also, libraries aren't just for reading anymore. All this and more plus all of your upcoming releases from the guys at

Monday, October 20, 2008

14: The Bane of the Broke Gamer

This week is not the best time to be broke, but we welcome the beginning of the end of year flood of gaming goodness anyway.

Monday, October 13, 2008

13: From the Ashes of the Tokyo Game Show

A salute to elderly gaming (if you consider mid-twenties and onward "elderly") and it's off to a review of the revelations from the Tokyo Game Show and Blizzcon including Halo 3 Recon, Fallout 3, Tekken 6, and so on. Amidst of course a flurry of tangents about gaming deals and... well everything else really. Plus all of your new releases from your bestest buddies at the world headquarters.

Monday, October 6, 2008

12: Finding Fault With Everything

False promises and Fable 2 and Nintendo's business practices, along with a smidgeon of good news with Gears of War 2, updates on the Pro Gaming scene, and more, along with all of your upcoming releases from your pals at